Abhishek Banerjee, known for his versatile roles in Bollywood and his work as a casting director, recently clarified his statements about being let go from Dharma Productions’ Agneepath project. In an interview with Siddharth Kannan, Banerjee had shared that he was dismissed from the film by director Karan Malhotra due to differences in casting choices. However, Banerjee emphasized that his words were taken out of context and were not meant to be accusatory.Clarification on MisinterpretationBanerjee took to Twitter to address the situation, stating, “This week, amidst two new releases, I found myself in the middle of a controversy. Reports have surfaced claiming that Dharma Productions fired my company, Casting Bay, during the casting of Agneepath (2012). Unfortunately, this has been misrepresented as an accusation. I merely acknowledged that my partner Anmol and I, being young and inexperienced, struggled to meet the director’s vision, leading to our dismissal by Karan Malhotra’s team.”
Gratitude Toward Karan Johar
Banerjee also expressed his respect for Karan Johar and Dharma Productions, clarifying that Johar was not involved in the decision to dismiss him. “I never accused Dharma Productions or Karan Johar of any wrongdoing. On the contrary, I hold Dharma in high regard. We went on to work on many projects with them, including Ok Jaanu, Student of the Year 2, Kalank, and more. Dharma even cast me as an actor in Ajeeb Daastaans. My relationship with Dharma is one of mutual respect and appreciation.”
Recent Releases: Vedaa and Stree 2
Banerjee has been in the spotlight recently for reprising his role as Jana in the horror-comedy Stree 2, part of the Maddock Supernatural Universe. Additionally, he played the antagonist in the action-thriller Vedaa, which released alongside Stree 2 on August 15. The actor is now set to appear in the Tamil action-drama Suriya 44.Abhishek Banerjee’s journey in Bollywood is a testament to resilience and the ability to learn from setbacks, a message he hopes to inspire in others through his experiences.
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