The Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM), Congress, and Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) declared their support for the Bharat Bandh scheduled for Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The bandh was called by various Dalit and Adivasi organizations in response to a recent Supreme Court ruling on Scheduled Caste (SC) reservations.
Left-wing parties have also thrown their weight behind the strike.
The nationwide bandh has been organized by Dalit and Adivasi groups who are demanding stronger representation and safeguards for marginalized communities. The National Confederation of Dalit and Adivasi Organisations (NACDAOR) has voiced opposition to a recent Supreme Court judgment, claiming it undermines the previous landmark decision in the Indira Sawhney case, which set the precedent for reservations in India.
The Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) has also declared its support for the Bharat Bandh, accusing both the BJP and Congress of working together to weaken the reservation system. The BSP emphasized the importance of maintaining reservations and urged political parties to refrain from tampering with this crucial system.
The JMM has called on its leaders, district presidents, secretaries, and coordinators to participate actively in the 14-hour nationwide strike and show their support. JMM General Secretary Vinod Kumar Pandey stated that the recent Supreme Court verdict on SC/ST reservations could hinder the progress and empowerment of these communities.
RJD State General Secretary and Media In-charge Kailash Yadav confirmed that the party would support and participate in the day-long strike, while State Congress spokesperson Rakesh Sinha also announced the Congress party’s backing of the bandh.
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