The box office clash between Akshay Kumar’s Khel Khel Mein and John Abraham’s Vedaa saw a slow but steady race, with Khel Khel Mein edging ahead in its opening weekend. Despite the tough competition, especially from Stree 2, Akshay Kumar’s comic caper managed to collect Rs 15 crore in its first four days, while Vedaa fell slightly behind with Rs 12.60 crore.
Khel Khel Mein Box Office Performance:
Khel Khel Mein started off with a modest Rs 5.75 crore on Independence Day, but struggled to maintain momentum, with collections dipping to Rs 2.25 crore on Friday. However, the film showed signs of recovery over the weekend, earning Rs 3.25 crore on Saturday and Rs 3.75 crore on Sunday, bringing its total to Rs 15 crore. With Raksha Bandhan providing a partial holiday boost, the film is expected to add another Rs 3 crore, pushing its five-day total to around Rs 18 crore.
Despite these numbers, the film faces challenges ahead. The juggernaut Stree 2 and lack of strong audience interest have hampered its box office performance. While Khel Khel Mein has outpaced Vedaa over the first four days, it remains to be seen if it can reach the coveted Rs 50 crore mark during its 6-week run in theaters.
Vedaa Box Office Performance:
John Abraham and Sharvari’s action thriller Vedaa opened stronger than Khel Khel Mein with Rs 6.50 crore on Thursday. However, the film quickly lost steam, with collections dropping to Rs 1.50 crore on Friday. Saturday saw a slight recovery with Rs 2.25 crore, followed by a nearly flat Rs 2.35 crore on Sunday, resulting in a four-day total of Rs 12.60 crore. With the Raksha Bandhan holiday, Vedaa may reach Rs 14.50 crore by the end of its five-day run, but the road ahead looks challenging.
While Khel Khel Mein has managed to surpass Vedaa in its opening weekend, both films have struggled to generate strong box office numbers. The presence of Stree 2 and a lukewarm response from audiences have made this a tough battle for both Akshay Kumar and John Abraham. The coming weeks will be crucial as both films attempt to maintain their presence in theaters.
Stay tuned for more updates on the latest box office performances.
News by: Hindi Patrika
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