West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee announced on Sunday that her party will boycott ABP Ananda, Republic TV, and TV9 news channels. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) alleges that these channels are spreading anti-Bengal propaganda.
Mamata Banerjee’s Firm Step: Severing Ties with News Channels
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee declared on Sunday that her party will no longer participate in programs on ABP Ananda, Republic TV, and TV9. This decision has been taken in response to what the TMC claims is anti-Bengal propaganda being broadcasted by these channels. The party has also released a press statement on its social media platforms explaining the reasons behind this move.
Decision Follows Media Reports on Trainee Doctor’s Rape and Murder
Mamata Banerjee’s decision comes in the wake of media reports targeting the state government after the rape and murder of a trainee doctor at RG Kar Medical College. On August 9, following this incident, Kolkata Police arrested suspect Sanjay Rai, a civil volunteer. The investigation has since been handed over to the CBI by the High Court.
Kolkata Trainee Doctor Case: A Nationwide Controversy
The case has sparked a nationwide debate, with media reports consistently criticizing the state government. However, the TMC has questioned the CBI’s investigation, alleging that the agency is acting on BJP’s directives to tarnish the government’s image.
TMC Accuses BJP of Spreading False Propaganda
The TMC has accused the BJP of manipulating the media and using the CBI to create unrest in the state. The party has made it clear that it will no longer engage with these news channels, as they are allegedly pushing an anti-Bengal agenda.
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