RRC, West Central Railway Act Apprentice Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 3317 Vacancy

RRC, West Central Railway Act Apprentice Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 3317 Vacancy
RRC, West Central Railway Act Apprentice Recruitment 2024 – Apply Online for 3317 Vacancy

Important Dates

Online Application Opening Date 05/08/2024
Online Application Closing Date & Time 04/09/2024 at 23:59 hrs.

Vacancy Details

Unit Number of Slots/Seats PwBD Ex. SM
JBP Division 515 190 92 337 128 1262 17 8 15 10 35
BPL Division 331 124 63 223 83 824 8 5 5 3 20
KOTA Division 335 127 60 226 84 832 12 4 11 6 21
CRWS BPL 72 29 11 47 16 175 3 0 0 0 3
WRS KOTA 78 30 15 53 20 196 2 2 2 2 6
HQ/JBP 13 4 1 7 3 28 2 0 0 0 0
Total 1344 504 242 893 334 3317 44 19 33 21 85

ELIGIBILITY CONDITIONS: Age (Age limit as on 05 /08/2024)

  • The candidates should have completed 15 years of age on 05 /08/ 2024 and should not have completed 24 years of age as on the cut-off date of Notification.
  • Upper age limit is relaxable by 05 years in case of SC/ST candidates, 03 years in case of OBC candidates.
  • For Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBDs), upper age limit is relaxed by 10 years (15 year for SC/ST and 13 years for OBC).
  • Upper age limit is relaxable by up to additional 10 years for ex-servicemen to the extent of service rendered in Defence Forces plus 03 years provided they have put in a minimum of 6 months service at a stretch, except Ex-servicemen who have already joined the Govt. service on Civil side after availing the servicemen status for the purpose of their engagement.
  • The candidate who want to avail the benefit of reservation of SC/ST, must produce his/her Caste certificate on Central Government format issued by appropriate authority as per sample Annexure-B at the time of Document Verification. Similarly, candidates who want to avail the benefit of reservation of OBC, must produce Caste certificate and Non-Creamy Layer Certificate on Central Government format issued by appropriate authority as per sample Annexure-C at the time of Document Verification. OBC Certificate should not be older than one year from the date of closure of this Notification.
  • The candidates who want to avail the benefit of reservation of Ex-servicemen and Armed Forces Personnel, must produce Discharge certificate and in case of children of Ex-servicemen and children of Armed Forces Personnel, they must produce discharge certificate or Armed Forces serving certificate respectively (as the case may be) of his/her parents at the time of document verification.


The candidate must have passed 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with minimum 50% marks(No Rounding off will be done), in aggregate, from recognized Board for all trades except Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology & Radiology), candidates must have passed 12th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) with Physics, Chemistry & Biology and also should possess the National Trade Certificate in the notified trade issued by NCVT/SCVT.

N.B: The candidates should have already passed the prescribed qualification on the date of issue of Notification. Candidates appearing in the qualifying examination and candidates whose result of qualifying examination is awaited are not eligible.


The PwBD candidates who suffers from not less than 40% of relevant disability and in case of Hearing Impaired having 60 decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequency are eligible to apply.

For Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD), the maximum Disability is detailed Category-wise & Trade-wise as under :

Locomotor Disability (LD)


Maximum Disability Requirement


One upper and








Computer Operator and

Programming Assistant

Both Lower limb can be accommodated


Partially lower limb candidates can be accommodated

Electronics Mechanic

Without legs or leg.


Lower limb partially damaged from one side can be accommodated

Painter (General)

One upper and









A person without one or two finger of foot and hand can be


Pump Operator Cum Mechanic

Upper limb partially damaged (Little finger and Ring Finger can be accommodated for both hands.

Lower limb partially damaged only one side can be accommodated.

Welder (Gas and Electric)

A person without leg and without three finger of one hand can be


Visual Impaired (VI) :


Maximum Disability Requirement

Black smith (Foundryman)/Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant/ Electrician/Fitter/Receptionist / Hotel Clerk / Front Office Assistant

Low vision means a person with impairment of vision of less than 6/18 to 6/60 with best corrections in the better eye or impairment of field in any one of the following categories:

  1. Reduction of fields less than 50 degrees.

  2. Heminaopia with macular involvement.

  3. Altitudinal defect involving lower fields.

Hearing Impaired (HI) :


Maximum Disability Requirement

Black smith (Foundryman)/ Carpenter/ Computer Operator cum Programming Assistant/ Diesel Mechanic/ Electrician/ Fitter/ Machinist/ Mason (Building & Constructor)/ Painter(General)/

Plumber/Welder (Gas & Electric)/Wiremen

  1. Deaf

  2. Dumb

  3. Deaf & Dumb

  1. Multiple Disabilities (MD) : Those PwBD candidates who have more than one disability will be treated as Multiple Disabilities (MD).
  2. Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD) who wants to avail the benefit of reservation must
  3. produce a disability certificate issued by a competent authority (i.e. Medical Board duly constituted by the Central or State Government).
  4. Those candidates who do not fulfil above mentioned conditions, should not apply as PwBD and they will not be eligible for any such concessions/facilities.
  5. If vacancy earmarked/reserved for PwBD is not being filled due to non availability of eligible PwBD candidates, such vacancy will be filled by eligible non-PwBD candidates as per merit & will not be left vacant.


  1. Selection will be done on the basis of merit list prepared in respect of all the eligible candidates who apply against the notification. The merit list will be prepared on the basis of average marks obtained in 10th class examination or its equivalent (under 10+2 examination system) plus ITI/Trade marks for all the eligible candidates {including those candidates who applied for Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology & Radiology) trade}.
  2. On the basis of trade/division/unit opted by the candidate, merit list will be prepared i.e. Trade wise, division/unit wise & community wise.
  3. The concerned division/unit as per the merit list, will call the candidates for verification of documents as per the extant rules. Once the candidate is found suitable in all respect, the concerned division/unit will engage the candidates.
  4. In case of two candidates having the same marks, the candidates with older age shall be given preference. In case the dates of birth are also the same, then the candidate who passed matriculation examination earlier shall be considered first.
  5. A final merit list will be prepared trade wise, division/unit wise and community wise, equal to the number of slots in the descending order of percentage of marks obtained by the candidate, as stated above.
  6. In case any particular trade in any division/unit short fall happened, in such circumstances, RRC reserved the right to allot, waiting list candidates of that particular trade of other division/unit as per the merit.


Application and Processing Fee: Candidates should submit Application and Processing fee for an amount mentioned below :

Sr. No




For all candidates except those

mentioned, in (ii) below

Rs. 141/-

(Rs.100/- as Application Fee and Rs. 41 as Processing Fee).


SC/ST, Persons with Benchmark

Disabilities (PwBD),Women


(As Processing Fee only)

Procedures for payment of Application and Processing fees:-

  1. After log in, Click on “click here to pay”.
  2. Click on “Pay now”.
  3. Choose the payment option from the available options and perform the transaction.
  4. On successful completion of the transaction, e-receipt with the date entered by the candidate will be generated which should be saved / printed and retained by the candidate.
  5. If the online transaction is not successfully completed, please make payment online again.

If the fee is not paid by the candidate as per para 7.1, his/her application will be summarily rejected.

Documents required for applying ONLINE: Before filling of online application, candidates are advised to keep legible scanned copy of following documents ready with them:

Photograph and signature JPG format having file size 50kb-200kb:

  1. Recent Passport size photograph with clear front view of the candidate’s face having pixel size of 100 x 120.
  2. Specimen signature having pixel size of 160 x 70.

Certificates (JPG format having file size 50kb-200kb):

  1. Std 10th mark sheet
  2. Std 10th Pass Certificate
  3. Std 12th mark sheet {In case of candidates who apply for Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology & Radiology) trade}.
  4. Std 12th Pass Certificate {In case of candidates who apply for Medical Laboratory Technician (Pathology & Radiology) trade}.
  5. Community certificate for SC/ST/OBC/EWS (if applicable)
  6. PwBD certificate (if applicable).
  7. ITI certificate & mark sheet issued by NCVT/SCVT.

Procedure to be followed for applying online:

  1. Candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting www.wcr.indianrailways.gov.in (Path – About us->Recruitment->Railway Recruitment Cell-Engagement of Act Apprentices-Engagement of Act Apprentices for 2024-25) Detailed instructions for filling up ONLINE applications will be available on the website.
  2. Candidates are required to click on the link provided for filling ONLINE applications and fill up the personal details/BIO- DATA etc carefully.
  3. NOTE-I: Candidates should ensure that their name, father’s name, date of birth is exactly as recorded in Matriculation (10th) or equivalent certificate. Any deviation found during Document Verification will lead to cancellation of candidature and also debarment.
  4. NOTE-II: Candidates are advised to indicate their active mobile number and valid e-mail ID in the ONLINE application and keep them active during the entire engagement process as all important messages will be sent by email/SMS which will be treated as deemed to have been read by the candidates.
  5. The candidates must go through the available training slots vis-a-vis their ITI Trade thoroughly and select particular trade of respective divisions/units. They will be considered as per their merit position.
  6. Candidates have to keep printouts of their Online application. If found Eligible, he/she will be called for Document Verification and the print out of Online application is required to be produced at the time of Document Verification.
  7. For convenience of candidate, document verification will be conducted at the applied unit only i.e. at RRC/Jabalpur, Jabalpur division, Bhopal division, Kota division, CRWS Bhopal & WRS Kota, as applicable. Any request for change of place of DV will not be entertained under any circumstances.
  8. As per the exigencies, RRC Jabalpur reserves the right to change the place of DV.
  9. NOTE: To avoid last minute rush, candidates are advised in their own interest to submit ONLINE application well in advance before the closing date.


  1. The applications having any of the following deficiencies/discrepancies or irregularities will be summarily rejected:
  2. Application without proper scanned photograph and signature.
  3. Application without proper certificates, in respect of date of birth, educational/vocational qualifications etc.
  4. Caste (EWS/SC/ST/OBC & OBC declaration) certificate and other certificates should be obtained from the appropriate authority in the prescribed format.
  5. Any other deemed irregularity.


Selected candidate will be engaged as apprentices for the period as applicable for the designated trade and they will be paid stipend during their training as per extant rules.

No Hostel accommodation will be provided and selected candidates will have to make their own arrangement during their training as per Apprentices Act 1961 and they will be released on completion of the training.


It is not obligatory on the part of employer to offer any employment to the passed out trade apprentice on completion of the period of Apprenticeship Training in his establishment nor shall it be obligatory on the part of the Apprentice to accept an employment under the employer.

Before commencement of the Apprenticeship training in the designated trade, the selected candidate or, if he/she is a minor then, his/her guardian has to enter into a Contract of Apprenticeship with the employer.


A person shall be eligible for being trained under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeships Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, selected candidates should produce a medical certificate at the time of document verification in the prescribed form (Annexure ‘F’) signed by the Government Authorised Doctor (Gaz.) not below the rank of Assistant Surgeon of Central/State Hospital.


For any assistance during the online submission and printing of application forms the candidates can email to rjbl2020@gmail.com or contact on 9209935796 (From 10:00 AM to 06:00 PM excluding Sunday and National Holidays).


The decision of the Railway administration in all matters relating to eligibility, acceptance or rejection of the applications and mode of selection shall be final.

In terms of para-10 of Schedule V of the Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, notified on 15.07.92 by the Ministry of Labor, it shall not be obligatory on the part of the employer to offer any employment to the Apprentice on completion of period of his/her apprenticeship training in his / her establishment. It shall not be obligatory on the part of the apprentice to accept an employment under the employer. Imparting Training in Railway will not confer any right to the candidates for their absorption in Railway after completion of Training.

  1. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidature and no correspondence will be entertained in the matter.
  2. The number of training slots shown in this Notification are provisional and the same are liable to increase or decrease depending upon the actual needs of the administration at the time of finalization of select list.
  3. Engineering Graduates and Diploma holders are not eligible to apply for apprenticeship in response to this notification as they are governed by separate scheme of apprenticeship.
  4. Before applying, the candidates should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other criteria, at any stage of engagement and if erroneously engaged, such candidates shall be summarily removed without notice.
  5. The candidates are required to produce original testimonials for verification. If it is noticed by the Railway administration that the applicant has furnished wrong/fake Certificates/false certificates, the Railway administration reserves the right to remove the candidate/ selected candidate at any stage without notice even after his selection to undergo training.

No daily allowance / conveyance allowance or travelling allowance will be paid to the candidate who will be called for document verification.

After selection for engagement, request of candidate to change the Division/Unit and trade will not be considered.

The list of selected candidates who will be called for Document Verification will be uploaded on website


Important Note : Candidates are requested to visit/view the above mentioned website of WCR regularly. Corrigendum/Updates, if any, will be available on the website. They also required to check their email id and contact number registered for SMS, email etc.