The Hindenburg report, released on August 10, claimed that Buch had a stake in offshore entities linked to the Adani case. In response, SEBI clarified that it has robust internal mechanisms to address conflicts of interest, including a disclosure framework and recusal provisions. SEBI also highlighted that Buch has made all necessary disclosures regarding her holdings and has recused herself from matters involving potential conflicts of interest.
The report by Hindenburg Research questioned SEBI’s handling of the Adani Group investigations and criticized amendments made to the SEBI (REIT) Regulations 2014, suggesting these changes benefited Blackstone. It further alleged connections between Buch’s and her husband’s consultancy firms and the ongoing controversy.
SEBI reassured investors that the regulatory body remains committed to transparency and due process. The regulator urged the public to note the disclaimer in the Hindenburg report, which states that the firm may have short positions in the securities mentioned.
As market sentiment wavers, SEBI’s message to investors is clear: stay calm, be informed, and exercise caution before reacting to reports that may impact financial decisions.