Thangalaan, starring Vikram, has continued to maintain its pace at the box office despite facing mixed reviews. Released on Independence Day, the film garnered attention for Vikram’s stellar performance, which is being hailed as one of his career best. While the film’s execution received criticism, it still managed to draw audiences to the theaters.
Box Office Performance:
On its opening day (Thursday), Thangalaan earned a strong Rs 13.3 crore. However, the film saw a significant drop of 65% on its second day, collecting only Rs 4.75 crore. The Vikram-starrer showed some recovery on Saturday, earning Rs 5.65 crore with an 18.95% growth.
By Sunday, the film continued to maintain steady numbers, with early estimates indicating another Rs 5.65 crore in earnings. This brings the total collection for Thangalaan after the first weekend to Rs 29.35 crore.
Competition and Occupancy:
Thangalaan faced stiff competition from other South Indian releases like Double iSmart and Mr Bachchan. However, it managed to outperform them at the box office. Despite this, Thangalaan also had to contend with the horror film Demonte Colony 2, which presented a challenge in certain regions.
In terms of occupancy, the Tamil version of Thangalaan saw a 40.63% occupancy rate on Sunday, with Chennai leading the way. The Telugu version experienced a 38.41% occupancy rate, with Bengaluru showing the highest audience turnout.
Worldwide Collection:
The global box office collection for Thangalaan stands at an impressive Rs 35.2 crore. The film, which revolves around the exploitation of the Kolar Gold Fields, has captivated audiences both in India and abroad.
Despite facing some criticism, Thangalaan has managed to hold its own at the box office. With a strong start and steady growth over the weekend, the film is on track to achieve further success in the coming days.
Stay tuned for more updates on Thangalaan and other box office performances.
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