UP Police Constable Exam 2024 City Slip Download Link

UP Police Constable Exam 2024 City Slip Download Link

UP Police Constable Exam 2024 City Slip has been released.

Candidates can download their exam city slip by visiting the official website uppbpb.gov.in or directly through the link https://ctcp24.com/uppbpbcst23/loginpage.aspx.

To download, enter your registration number and date of birth.

Please note, this is not the admit card. The admit card for the written exam will be issued on the board’s website three days before the scheduled exam date.

If candidates face any issues while downloading the exam city slip, they can contact the helpline numbers 8867786192 or 9773790762.

The UP Police constable exam will be conducted in 67 districts across 1174 centers on August 23, 24, 25, 30, and 31, with two shifts each day: from 10 AM to 12 PM, and from 3 PM to 5 PM. Through this exam, a total of 60,244 constable positions will be filled in the UP Police.

Steps to Download:

  1. Visit the official UP Police Recruitment Board website at uppbpb.gov.in
  2. On the homepage, click on the active link for the city slip.
  3. Enter your login credentials (registration number and date of birth) and submit.
  4. The exam city slip will appear on the screen, and you can download it from there.

Important Instructions:

Download Two Copies of the Admit Card

Candidates traveling to the exam center by bus will be provided free roadways bus service. They must download two additional copies of their admit card. One copy is to be submitted to the bus conductor while traveling to the exam center, and the other after the exam, while returning to their district. Therefore, make sure to print two extra copies of the admit card.

Arrive 2 Hours Early, Gates Close 30 Minutes Before Exam

Candidates are advised to arrive at the exam center 2 hours before the exam starts. Carry your admit card, Aadhaar card, or identification proof (e-Aadhaar, DL, passport), and a black or blue ballpoint pen. The gates will be closed 30 minutes before the exam begins, and no entry will be allowed after that. Candidates who haven’t mentioned their Aadhaar number in their application form must report to the exam center 2 hours earlier for verification within the given time.