Just days after announcing her separation from Indian cricketer Hardik Pandya, Natasa Stankovic took to Instagram to share her thoughts on embracing a new identity. The dancer-model, who recently returned to Serbia with her son Agastya amidst the buzz surrounding her split, opened up about the idea of moving forward and leaving the past behind.
Natasa’s Message
On Tuesday afternoon, Natasa posted a heartfelt message on her Instagram Stories, accompanied by a selfie where she was seen smiling with a serene expression. In the caption, she wrote, “When you surrender everything to God, that’s when you get a new name. You are not who you were but who God says you are ❤️.”
Natasa frequently shares glimpses of her daily life on social media. Recently, she celebrated her son Agastya’s birthday with a Hot Wheels-themed party. In one of the photos, Agastya was seen wearing a white Hot Wheels t-shirt, and they posed together in front of a themed cake. Another picture captured Agastya holding a racing flag as his Serbian friends sang happy birthday while he cut the customized cake.
Background on Natasa and Hardik’s Relationship
Natasa and Hardik tied the knot in 2020 and welcomed their son Agastya in 2021. After months of speculation, the couple confirmed their separation in July 2024 through a joint statement. They emphasized their commitment to co-parenting their son while keeping the details of their split private.
In their statement on July 18, they said, “After four years together, Hardik and I have mutually decided to part ways. We did our best to make it work and believe that this is the best decision for both of us. Despite the joy, mutual respect, and companionship we shared, it was a tough choice to make as we built a family together. We are blessed with Agastya, who will remain at the center of our lives, and we will co-parent to ensure his happiness.”